Colors in a Room

Color is the most decisive factor in the decoration of an interior space and has the power to make an impression and cause feelings at first glance. Color shades on the walls and ceiling surfaces can, always in combination with the floor, make the lines of a space more flexible and resilient. As a result an illusion is created and the space looks bigger or smaller, spacious or narrower, taller or shorter.
A dark floor combined with light-colored walls and ceiling makes the rooms look more spacious.
A dark floor combined with a dark ceiling and light-colored walls make the ceiling of a living room look low.
Dark-colored walls in a spacious room combined with light colored ceiling and floor emphasize in horizontal lines.
A combination of dark floor, ceiling and a dark wall in the back of the room make it look narrower, deeper and taller.
A dark wall in the back of the room combined with light-colored walls and a light-colored floor reduces the depth of the room.
A light-colored ceiling and a dark floor, as well as dark-colored walls provides the room lighting just from the ceiling.
A light-colored floor along with dark-colored walls, a dark ceiling and a light-colored wall in the back of the room can give the impression of a tunnel to our room.
If all the walls in our room are colored in dark shades then the lines of the space tend to disappear and as a result the house may look too stuffed.
A room with light-colored floor, walls and ceiling can create a feeling of spaciousness.